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Testimonials for
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Testimonials for Benchmark Six Sigma
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Sanga Varun
Manager, Wipro
Insightful industry examples made training relatable
“The examples from various industries were very insightful. They provided practical context and made the training more relatable.”
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Sekhar Mistri
Quality Analyst, Wipro
Interactive, interesting course with standout teaching style
“I gained exactly what I expected from the course. It was highly interactive and interesting, making the pace and teaching style stand out.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Shahjahan H
Quality Manager, Wipro
Connected scenarios and examples clarified concepts
“The delivery method connected scenarios and examples well, making the concepts clear. The interactive sessions and quizzes helped us understand how to apply these concepts in real work situations.”
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Training met expectations with good experience
“Good experience. The training met my expectations.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Exhaustive content with detailed, informative training
“The course material is exhaustive and provides a lot of insight and knowledge on how things are dealt with in real life. The trainer went through all the modules and explained everything in detail. One point I’d like to highlight, though, is that the course delves into quite a bit of technical know-how and statistics, which can be learned along the classes, but there are some points that the learner might benefit from having previous knowledge on.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Good training met expectations; well-structured delivery
“Overall, the training was good and met my expectations. The content was well-structured and effectively delivered.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Excellent trainer and content with exceptional methodology
“The trainer and the content were excellent. Benchmark offers exceptional training and methodology.”
Benchmark Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Informative Black Belt learnings covered required areas
“The course is very informative and it covers all the required corners of black belt learnings “
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt