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Testimonials for
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Testimonials for Benchmark Six Sigma
Feedback Filters
Cynthia Alex
A.M. Continuous Improvement, Allianz India
Instructor: Quick-Paced, Understandable Complex Concepts
“The instructor was notably quick-paced yet easy to follow, making complex concepts understandable.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Harikrishnan P G
Assistant Manager Operations, Allianz India
Benchmark Six Sigma Training Benefits Overview
“The structured approach of identifying and implementing a project, as taught by the Benchmark Six Sigma Website, has been invaluable. The training has not only enhanced my ability to analyze data but has also provided a fresh perspective on its implementation.”
Benchmark Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma Green BeltJais Chacko Alanickal
Assistant Manager, Allianz India
Well-Coordinated Training: Timely, Structured, Understandable
“The timing, duration, content, and trainer were well-coordinated. The structure of the training was excellent, making it easy to follow and understand.”
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Jaya Sivasankar
Continuous Improvement Analyst, Allianz India
Thorough Training Offers Comprehensive Subject Understanding
“The duration and detailed coverage of all tools in the training were very helpful. The thorough approach ensured a comprehensive understanding of the subject.”
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Priya Shailaja
Senior Technical Authority Holder, Allianz India
Course Boosted Confidence in Process Management Skills.
“The course structure, duration, and hands-on projects provided by Benchmark Six Sigma have given me confidence in my process management skills.”
Benchmark Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma Green BeltPriya Shailaja
Sr. Claims Technical Authority Holder, Allianz India
Exceptional Trainer: Clear, Practical, Understandable Communication.
“The trainer’s communication skills and subject knowledge were outstanding. The practical examples shared were simple and from everyday life, making the concepts easy to grasp.”
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Course Improvement: Split for Better Comprehension
“The trainer was very experienced and perfect. Need to split the course into smaller parts for better understanding, making the material more digestible and easier to follow.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Suman Pahari
AM Application Engineering, Allied Moulded products Inc.
Excellent Training on Lean Six Sigma Concepts
“The training was excellent and great learning of Lean six sigma concepts!”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt