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Testimonials for
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Testimonials for Benchmark Six Sigma
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Insightful TRIZ Principles Enhance Innovative Solutions
“The session gave very good insight on the TRIZ and how those principles can help our innovative solutions for the problems across industries. Very informative and insightful”
Creativity and Innovation Practitioner
Priyanka Rentapalli
Senior Financial Analyst BPA, Alcon Laboratories
GB Session Enhanced Skills for Real-Life Application
“GB session with Benchmark has given practical and fun exposure to all the LSS topics, with several examples from different industries. This session had further enhanced my skills in statistics, brainstorming techniques, and at the end of the training, I am ready to implement it in my real life scenarios.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Rupali Panda
Project Manager, Alcon Laboratories
Program Appreciate Staff’s Constant Support.
“Very detailed program in a well planned manner. Really appreciate the staff for their constant support “
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Purushottam Tirumareddi
Research Scientist, Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited
Course: Effective Real-Life Applications of Theoretical Statistics
“The course excelled in applying statistical processes to minimize errors. Although it was heavily theoretical, I found the techniques demonstrated with real-life examples to be an excellent way to learn.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Vaibhav Dubey
Deputy General Manager, Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited
Benchmark: A statistical problem-solving platform
“Benchmark provides a sound platform to learn and use the statistical knowledge to resolve the process issues “
Benchmark Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma Black BeltRaymond Pius
Machine Learing Associate 2, Alexa Data Services Amazon
Practical Training Enhanced Learning Effectiveness
“More practical scenarios were addressed during the training. This practical approach made the learning very effective and applicable.”
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Sanket Sakharam Sanap
Dy. Manager, ALF Engineering Private Limited
Best-attended Six Sigma Training Overview
“This best-ever-attended training program in Six Sigma covered basic knowledge, statistical tools, and their application to product and process quality improvement, with engaging narration and interaction.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Engaging, Practical Course with Useful Tools
“Great course, engaging and interactive. It covers well-balanced competencies that are structured, practical, and relevant. Specially simple to use tools and techniques are my favorites.”
Business Excellence Master Black Belt