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Testimonials for
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Testimonials for Benchmark Six Sigma
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Exceptional Learning Experience with Trainer Venugopal Raman
“Overall, Mr. Venugopal Raman, my adept trainer, delivered an exceptional learning experience.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Training experience provided valuable, applicable insights.
“It was a great experience in the training, providing valuable insights and practical knowledge that I can apply in my professional life.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Learning Six Sigma was fun with Benchmark.
“The session was fun and I enjoyed learning with Six Sigma with Benchmark. The interactive and engaging approach made the learning process enjoyable.”
Benchmark Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma Green BeltPUSHP KUMAR SEN
engineer, AISIN Automotive Haryana Private Limited
Training Sessions: Well Structured, Best Techniques
“The training sessions were well structured, highlighting the best teaching techniques.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Excellent interaction with knowledgeable trainer.
“Excellent interaction. Doubts were cleared immediately. The trainer was professional and very knowledgeable. Overall, I am happy that I chose Benchmark.”
Benchmark Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma Green BeltAakar M Gupte
Sr QA automation Lead, AIT Global India
Enhancing Processes with Data-Driven Industry Examples
“Great effort to ensure the reality of industry examples were discussed and overall a practical approach on how one can improve the process with the help of data “
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Sudipto Shankar Basu
Director, AITS Technology Services India Private Limited (Amicus ITS)
Effective Learning Through Practical Examples
“The learning was supported with real-life examples from day-to-day activities and across all industries. The training plan was structured and well-presented, providing an opportunity to learn all aspects in a way that would be hard to forget.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Hitesh Parmar
Quality Engineer, Ajit Industries Private Limited
Ideal Course Venue and Expert Instructor.
“The course location was perfect, and the instructor was exceptionally knowledgeable, always ready to answer our questions.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt