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Testimonials for Benchmark Six Sigma
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Training Experience Positive: Informative, Engaging Sessions.
“The overall training experience was quite positive. Each session was well-crafted, providing both informative and engaging content that kept us actively involved throughout the course”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Benchmark Six Sigma: Lean Techniques to Reduce Defects
“Benchmark six sigma is providing the complete understanding of Lean six sigma techniques and explaining the techniques, that helps us to understand the lean six sigma techniques and the usage of tools. That we can relatively apply in any process to reduce the defects and for improving the yield of the process. “
Benchmark Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma Black BeltHABID BASHA J
Team Leader, AGS Health
Course Material: Well-structured, Easy to Understand.
“The extensive course material was well-structured and explained in an easy to understand manner.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Gratitude and Learning from the Session
“Thank you for the session. I have learned a lot of things.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Effective Training Experience with Benchmark
“Training was a really good experience with Benchmark. The day it started, our trainer Mr. Venugopal was quite confident and was explaining every concept with an example. When we answered incorrectly, he guided us back on track with examples through which he drove us. Overall, very good training phase.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Karthikeyan Kumar
Team Leader, AGS Health
Effective Presentation with Clear, Relatable Examples
“Well organised presentation on all topics and choice of real time examples made easy to relate and understand the concepts.”
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
A Beneficial Experience Enhanced Skills Significantly
“It was a good experience overall, providing valuable insights and enhancing my skills significantly.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Positive Review: Valuable and Practical Insights Provided
“Overall, it was good, offering valuable insights and practical knowledge that can be applied in real-world scenarios.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt