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Testimonials for
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Testimonials for Benchmark Six Sigma
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Mayuri Shintre
Manager – Business Excellence, Aditya Birla Capital
Meticulous organization, systematic schedule, professional execution.
“The session was meticulously organized, following a systematic schedule and executed with a high level of professionalism.”
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Business Excellence Weekend Program: Highly Recommended
“Very well structed weekend program, highly recommend it for people in the Business Excellence Field.”
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Appreciation for Valuable, Enjoyable Training Session
“Thanks you so much for your very valuable training. I really enjoyed it, and appreciated that you made it fun! “
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Structured Course Enhances Versatility and Applicability
“A wonderfully structured course – both personally and professionally. I will take away lots of things that I can quickly and easily apply. It made us versatile we can be a good fit in any industry/domain. “
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Training Benefits Career Goal Achievement
“The training was amazing and very good. I feel confident that I’ll be able to apply my learnings in my role and achieve my career goals.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Excellent Concept Explanation and Knowledge Sharing
“Wonderful explanation for each concepts. Indepth understanding and knowledge sharing sessions. Great learning. Really appreciate the flow.”
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Subhadeep Sharma
Excellent Course Material and Learning Satisfaction.
“The course material is top-notch, leaving me highly satisfied with the overall learning experience.”
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Ajay Kumar
Assistant Manager- Production, ADM Agrotech Ind. Private Limited
Instructor provides clear, well-paced topic explanations.
“The instructor delivers crystal-clear explanations on all topics, maintaining a smooth pace to ensure understanding among all participants.”
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt