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DMAIC model, Mistake Proofing & Graphical visualization, It is eye-opening how all of this can help improve our existing planning and project management practices.
– Lina Ciuplyte, Program Manager

The depth to which the teachers understood the material. The instructors were incredibly knowledgeable of the information and were able to answer all of our questions thoroughly.
– Christopher Evan Marince, Boeing

This Black belt training helps to seed a thought in your mind that there is always a smarter way to achieve the goals. Faculty has full command on the subject. I liked the teaching methodology.
– Gopal Thakkar, Associate Manager, Indirect Taxation

The learning journey progresses with lucid and easy to grasp teaching methodology to effectively explain underlying concepts and its significance. The Interpretation of the statistical evaluation was excellent and also the explanation on what it means to the process being studied.
– Gagan Kapoor VP – Process Engineering – VP – Process Engineering

“The overall course content is concise, very effective and is perfectly complimented by practical usage.”
– Gautam Garg, Asst. Manager – Operations, Digital Media, Adobe

Very good presentation by Presenter throughout Black Belt training.
– Manivannan Shanmugam Head of Production, Manufacturing